Recent cases of cruelity to animals and how to protect them

Recent cases of cruelity to animals

Bruno The labrador dog cruelity case

A black Labrador, Bruno was beaten to death by two juveniles and a youth Monday at the Adimalathura beach in Thiruvananthapuram. The matter came to light after the dog’s owner posted a video of the brutal assault, which went viral on social media. “Our sole endeavor will be to alert the State Executive to the circumstances in which, and the extent to which, it will be required to act in discharge of its constitutional and statutory obligations,” said the court. It added: “We believe that a meaningful effectuation of rights can be achieved only when the different branches of Government work in concert, and it is this co-operation that we expect in the course of these proceedings.” When the court sought a feasible action plan from the state animal welfare board for an awareness campaign to sensitise the citizens about the rights of animals, it was told that the board is yet to be constituted. At this, the court directed the state advocate general to get information on the steps taken by the government to reconstitute and render it functional. The state was also told to explore the possibility of entrusting the district administrations with the power to enquire into complaints of infringement of animal rights, cruelty to animals and also instances where persons are prevented from keeping pets of their choice in their residential apartments. The bench will hear the matter again on 17 July.

Chota Rajan cruelity case

Labrador Worth Six Lakhs Found Dead; Ex-Owner Accused Of Murder A Labrador dog was found murdered brutally in the Karnal district of Haryana, and a case has been registered by his owner at the Karnal police station. According to the grieving owner, the previous owner of the lab (whom he had named Chhota Raja) was the one responsible for the murder of his dog, who was reportedly worth around six lakh rupees. The owner, named Sagar, today met the SP of Karnal, Gangaram Poonia and filed an FIR against the previous owner, who is absconding. He said that he had bought the dog from a dealer at Shergarh Khalsa in Karnal by paying three lakh rupees. According to him, he had taken care of Chhota Raja and made him into a strong and healthy dog. After he grew up, the old owner wanted to buy him back for six lakh rupees, but Sagar refused. The dog was kidnapped a few days ago. Sagar told the media that he suspects that the dog’s food was laced with drugs, as a result of which he lost consciousness, after which the kidnappers took him away. The dog’s body was found in a bad condition, leading the police to believe that he had been at the receiving end of a brutal thrashing by the people who killed him. Sagar and his friends have started a campaign to bring the matter to light and to punish the brutal killers of his beloved Chhota Raja. The police have registered a case against the culprits.

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Prevention And Symptoms Of cruelity towards animals


The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 prohibits any person from inflicting, causing, or if it is the owner, permitting, unnecessary pain or suffering to be inflicted on any animal. The Act makes it a crime to beat, kick, torture, mutilate, administer an injurious substance, or cruelly kill an animal.
It is also illegal to over-ride, over-drive, over-load, or work an unfit animal. It is an offense to cruelly transport, confine, chain or tether an animal. It is a violation to engage in animal fighting or shooting competitions in which animals are released from captivity to be shot
An owner commits an offense if he or she fails to provide sufficient food, drink or shelter, unreasonably abandons any animal, or permits any diseased or disabled animal to roam or die in any street.

Cause of cruelity towards animals

There can be many reasons. Animal cruelty, like any other form of violence, is often committed by a person who feels powerless, unnoticed or under the control of others.
The motive may be to shock, threaten, intimidate or offend others or to demonstrate rejection of society's rules.
Some who are cruel to animals copy acts they have seen or that have been done to them.
Others see harming an animal as a safe way to get revenge against—or threaten—someone who cares about that animal.

Symptoms Of cruelity towards animals

Tucked tail, flinches at human contact
Unexplained fractures or limping
Unprovoked aggression, whining, or whimpering
Overly submissive (rolling onto back, tail tucked, urinating)
Suddenly avoiding any physical contact
Attempts to bite or scratch when petted

Risk Factor

Research shows that animal cruelty shares many of the aetiological pathways and risk factors that have been shown for other aggressive behaviors. The shared aetiology not only aids understanding of the co-occurrence that has been documented between animal cruelty and other aggressive and antisocial crimes, it also highlights the dangers over and above those to animals that are lurking where animal cruelty offenders remain unidentified and their crimes remain unsanctioned. This article reviews current understandings about the development of antisocial behaviors, including human aggression, and animal cruelty behaviors. Available research leads one to ask, when individuals have been found to be guilty of animal cruelty, what other aggressive behaviors might they be guilty of? For young children, one must ask, are they victims of child abuse, are they living in circumstances of domestic violence, and/or what is the aggression or violence that they may have been witness to? Animal cruelty, and most aggressive behaviors from the later childhood years onward, are indicators of non-normative development. Early detection of such behaviors can provide a valuable opportunity to engage in preventative intervention for young people or for appropriate sanctions to be applied for adults. Such interventions would be beneficial for all, humans and animals alike.


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About Us

‘Animal Welfare Society’ At ‘Animal Welfare Society’ , we’re much the same as your pets – well disposed, fun loving and absolutely stand-out. That is on the grounds that we don’t simply convey your pet sustenance, we become more acquainted with you and your little ‘Organization Name’ s, so we can assist you with keeping them upbeat from make a beeline for tail. Our organisation had made a collaboration with Animal aid unlimited,peepal farm,voice for voiceless,Peoples for animals,Wildlife SOS India and the international organisation which is The Dodo for the support related to animal rescue. we are 24/7 online for the safety of animals

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Providing Help

We are helping to stop cruelity towards animals in the following ways-:
WE are rescuing the animals if the animals are injured or ill ang give them proper medicine and proper treatment.
We give proper shelter for the animals so that they can stay till death.
We give food and proper diet for the animals so that animals will be healthy and doesnot get ill in the further life.
Do not buy your pet from a pet store or a breeder. Instead, adopt one from an animal shelter or adoption center. If you are really kind hearted, just pick up a pup on the side of the street and take him home.
Take a dog from the street into your own home. If that’s not possible, take care of his food, medicines and vaccination.

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organising Animal Welfare camp

An animal health camp was organized on 21st December, 2018 under Tribal Sub-plan Scheme of ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack at Pitabari village of Kandhamal district. The animals were examined by Dr. R.K. Mohanta, member of TSP team and Dr. Sangram Keshari Sahu, local Veterinary Assistant Surgeon and assisted by Sri Nrusinghanath Das, livestock inspector and line of treatment suggested along with treatment of some cases.

Waiting for your help.

We will help the Animals for their wellness and care or requirements by your donation.